TOP OF THE WORLD 2020 #05 Roger Goh

TOP OF THE WORLD 2020 #05 Roger Goh

Editors of Aqua JournalEditors of Aqua Journal


Roger Goh
Singapore / Leading The New World
Aquarium Size W150×D60×H55 (cm)
Micranthemum sp. ‘Monte Carlo’
Bucephalandra sp.
Fissidens sp.
Riccardia chamedryfolia
Eleocharis sp.
Staurogyne repens
Ceratopteris thalictroides
Hottonia palustris
Bolbitis heudelotii
Vesicularia montagnei ‘Christmas Moss’
Rotala macrandra
Rotala sp. ‘Vietnam Hra’
Rotala rotundifolia ‘Green’
Rotala rotundifolia
Alternanthera reineckii ‘Mini’

Hyphessobrycon amandae
Otocinclus sp.
Crossocheilus atrilimes
Caridina multidentata


I want to recreate the most ideal environment for little lives

Age: 35 years old
Occupation:  Aquarium Trade Business Owner/ADA Distributor – Singapore
Years of experience in the aquarium hobby: 15 years
Any other hobbies besides aquarium: Cars, Music (DJ)
Record of awards in the past IAPLC:
IAPLC2013         561th
IAPLC2014         243th
IAPLC2015         56th
IAPLC2016         11th
IAPLC2017         5th
IAPLC2018         8th
IAPLC2019         39th
AJ Tell us what you wanted to express with your layout work; layout theme, motif, ideas behind your winning work.

I did not have much in my mind when I prepared to start on my layout for IAPLC 2020. When I thought of my counterparts from Little Green Corner – Malaysia, it struck me to create a forest scape. I consider it risky as forest scapes have not been “in trend” recently but I gave it a try nonetheless. The forest scape I presented is exactly the type of forest I wanted to show. Honestly, my forte is not with forest theme creation but I do believe that all aquascapers should not restrict themselves to one particular type of theme creation. We should let free and always engage and experience new themes and create new layouts. This is my first forest theme creation – Leading the New World, created for the world. It is unique and special to me, so I hope that everyone loves it as much as I do!
I created a forest structure with Unzan stones and pieces of driftwood.
AJ What fascinate or attract you the most about the planted aquarium hobby?

I strongly believe in what Mr. Takashi Amano had shared; the most attractive part of a planted aquarium layout is to be able to understand nature and the biological cycle in an enclosed environment, where little lives strive and to recreate the most ideal environment for them. The mystery of every individual hands’ is the most powerful tool in a planted aquarium layout; nature can be recreated in many ways and best expressed through a planted tank.


AJ Do you have any tips for winning in the IAPLC?

Practice makes perfect! One has to be very patient when it comes to aquascaping. Be confident in what you do. Most importantly, you have to enjoy the process. Look at every detail and aspect. Do not give up even when you run out of ideas. Love yourself, love your tank. This hobby is never boring and goes a long way. Keep yourself motivated and don’t stop creating! Be open to suggestions and comments from fellow friends with an open heart!


AJ What kind of aquascape do you want to create in the future? Do you have any dreams relating to the aquarium hobby?

It is relatively easy for fellow aquascapers to guess who scaped which tank, based on the style of each individual aquascaper. For me, I want to attempt all types of aquascape. Every style because I want to be different! I do not want people to label me as a “forest aquascaper” or a “rock aquascaper”. I would probably try a different themed scape / composition for my next IAPLC! I want to create something new and refreshing. And my dream? I want to be an IAPLC Grand Champion! Working hard on it!


AJ What do you think about the IAPLC?

IAPLC has been a part of my life for the past 8 years. I do not plan to stop scaping anytime soon! Aquascaping has brought me many friends from around the world and I am very grateful for that. It is a pity that we are not able to gather in Japan this year; the Nature Aquarium Party is an event that I look forward to attending annually. Nonetheless, we should all stand strong, stay united with a common goal – our passion for Nature aquarium! The contest itself generates much interest all around the world. It is something that people can look forward to every year. It gives people a reason to keep their tank in a good condition, also to re-scape and participate again. Let’s keep it going on strong!