ESSAY 2018.11.30 Series:Aqua Journal vol.277Plant Art Studio #12 Editors of Aqua Journal Twitter FaceBook LINE View this post on Instagram . Plant Art Studio #18 . “Aponogeton ulvaceus” . Green lights and shadows formed by three-dimensional curves. I tried to capture the shadows and the beauty of curved leaves that grow in spirals. . . #plantartstudio #aquadesignamano #AJ276 #aquajournal #art #photo #natureaquariumgallery #waterplants #color #leaf #wave #気泡 #bubble #photosynthesis #アクアデザインアマノ #ネイチャーアクアリウムギャラリー #ネイチャーアクアリウム #プラントアートスタジオ #プラントアート yusuke_hommaさん(@plant_art_studio)がシェアした投稿 – 2018年11月月27日午前5時46分PST Green lights and shadows formed by three-dimensional curves. I tried to capture the shadows and the beauty of curved leaves that grow in spirals.