NEO GLASS AIR STYLE ‘The aquatic plant carpet and the Looking-Back Beauty’

Editors of Aqua JournalEditors of Aqua Journal
When arranging flowers, cut flowers or potted plants are commonly used. This time, I tried to create a layout that enables you to enjoy both the beauty of the flower and the natural appearance of the plant. Paphiopedilum, a jungle plant, was used as the main flower. I planted a Paphiopedilum with a swelling stalk as if it sat on the driftwood and simply placed 3 pieces of Wabi-Kusa Hydrocotyle Tripartita. The plants are watered, based on Hydrocotyle, by spraying so as to keep the soil consistently moist, but never soaking wet. If not jewel orchids, Paphiopedilum has distinctive leaf patterns and attracts the eyes. Orchids are usually prepared for display by staking flower spikes and leaves, but here I have let it bloom in a natural setting. However, because the tank has an ornamental front, I illuminated the plant in a way to orient its leaves and flower to the front side of the tank, where DOOA logo appears. Although the leaves are just slightly tilted and the flower somewhat offset from the front, I think that it is overall an attractive piece, reminiscent of the “Looking-Back Beauty.”
DOOA Neo Glass Air W20×D20×H8 (cm)
DOOA Jungle Base
DOOA Jungle Soil

Wabi-Kusa Hydrocotyle Tripartita
Paphiopedilum delenatii

Creation/ Kota Iwahori