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The International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest 2018 entry guidelines and new contest judges are announced. The IAPLC2018 entries will be evaluated by ADA and 14 judges from 12 countries.

IAPLC2018 Judges >

We look forward to seeing your great creations!

*In recent years, the contest receives a number of entries in violation of the contest rules and regulations, such as the multiple entries to other contests, multiple entries by the same entrant using different names and the entries after photo retouching. It is very important for all the entrants to follow the contest rules and regulations in order to promote a healthy competition.

■The International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest 2018 official website

*Online entry will be open in Spring 2018.
*Entry Deadline is May 31, 2018.
*Mr. Mitsuo Yamasaki, who has been on the judging panel since 2001, will step down from his position, but he will continue his involvement with the IAPLC as a honorary judge.