Editors of Aqua JournalEditors of Aqua Journal


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Greener Where You Water It

Aquarium Size / W120×D45×H45(cm)

Aquatic Plants
Microsorum sp. “Narrow Leaf” / Eleocharis sp.“Minima” / Hydrocotyle tripartitaNymphaea lotus “Red” / Anubias barteri var. nana

Fish & Invertebrates
Puntius tetrazona

Be inspired by this hobby to cherish nature.

Age / 30 years old

Occupation / Pharmacy Technician
Years of experience in the aquarium hobby / 15 years
Record of awards in the past IAPLC /
2016: 116th
2017: 344th
Any other hobbies besides aquarium / Billiards

AJ: Tell us what you wanted to express with your layout work; layout theme, motif, ideas behind your winning work.
I wanted to bring back the classic nature aquarium style established by Mr. Amano. In recent years, the jungle and mountain styles have dominated the top rankings, and my goal was to establish the classic NA style in the high rankings again. In my layout, I wanted to create a feeling to peace and wilderness on a 1:1 scale. My first passion in aquascaping was the plants, so of course I focused on my favorite plant, Microsorum narrow leaf.

AJ: What was the most difficult aspect of creating and maintaining this layout work?
The most difficult part of this layout was timing. I started the aquascape in February and did not give myself very much time to grow the plants into maturity. The wood was also very challenging, it leaked tannins at such a high rate that the water was tea-colored within 18 hours after my water changes.

AJ: Tell us about the layout materials (rocks and driftwood) which were used for this layout work.
This year I used stones that I had collected in Missouri, USA. I found these wonderful stones while driving home from an aquascaping competition. It had a lot of nice texture and cracks. It showed age very well and I found it quite suitable for a nature style layout. The wood I used this year is called “river wood”, very similar, or possibly identical to ADA’s Horn Wood.

AJ: What kind of aquascape do you want to create in the future? Do you have any dreams relating to the aquarium hobby?
I want to continue creating beautiful classic nature style aquascapes. My dream is to one day recieve the Grand Prize in the IAPLC. Ultimately, my goal is to expand the aquascaping hobby in my country, and all across the world. I hope that one day, everyone will know about aquascaping and will be inspired by this hobby to cherish nature.

It is a faithful composition to basics of Nature Aquarium style.



Aquarium Size / W120×D45×H45(cm)

Aquatic Plants
Anubias barteri var. nana “Pangolino” / Anubias barteri var. nana “Petite” / Anubias barteri var. angustifolia / Hemianthus callitrichoides “Cuba” / Eleocharis parvula / Lilaeopsis brasiliensis / Hygrophila pinnatifida / Microsorum sp. “Trident” / Fissidens fontanus / Vesicularia Ferriei / Vesicularia dubyana / Bucephalandra sp. / Riccardia sp. / Pellia sp. / Micranthemum sp.

Fish & Invertebrates
Pseudomugil gertrudae

It’s actually a very difficult technical challenge.

Age /  32 years old

Occupation/ Marketer
Years of experience in the aquarium hobby /14 years
Record of awards in the past IAPLC / 2007: 71th
Any other hobbies besides aquarium / Illustration, Painting, and Photography

AJ: Tell us what you wanted to express with your layout work; layout theme, motif, ideas behind your winning work.
This layout actually started off as 2 different layout ideas; a cave with a sink hole and the tranquility of Shiraito Waterfall in Karuizawa, in Japan. Just before NA Party 2017, TAU and CAU organized Oirase trip (Aomori, Japan). Moto-taki’s dramatic jutting stones, and winding wild branches became the combining substrate to bring my Sink Hole, and Shiraito-taki concepts together.
First the viewer, himself engulfed from a fish-eye view from beneath the rocks, within the closed space of the cave, would look out into the expanse and feel the anxiety (drama) of the darkness and sheer drop-off, only for that feeling to be relieved as his eyes rested on flat, tranquil land that could be stood on. Flat footholds mean nothing to fish, but they mean much to us humans looking into their world.
I chose the Butterfly rainbow as my fish, letting them swim naturally. In this dark enclosed space with no current, the pale butterflies would defy gravity and float freely about the cavern; both adding to the tension, but also sooth the heart of the viewer—much like the layout itself. This tank is their hidden, private world—hence the title, “Butterfly Hideaway”.

AJ: What was the most difficult aspect of creating and maintaining this layout work?
Creating the hole itself. It’s actually a very difficult technical challenge, figuring out how to both hide the bottom of the aquarium and its edges (especially since I shifted the anchor so far to the right, so close to the aquarium’s wall). Furthermore, tuning the shadow for this hole is a big challenge when also trying to preserve depth—if the hardscape at the back of the tank is too big, it looses all sense of depth. However if the materials are too small, then they won’t cast a big enough shadow to make the hole turn black and it’ll look very unnatural. I’m sure others would do it differently, but I had to invent some very unique and gimmicky techniques in order to make this possible (but secret weapons have to stay secret! Hahaha).