IAPLC 2022 TOP7 #04 「Fuhong Guan」

Editors of Aqua JournalEditors of Aqua Journal
Fuhong Guan / People’s Republic of China
Age/ 38 years old
Occupation/ Part-time worker
Aquarium Experience/ 5 years
Hobby / Fishing
IAPLC 2019 3rd place
World Ranking 4
Old Valley
Aquarium Size W120×D50×H50(cm)

“Diligence” and “Inquisitiveness”, and “Positive Thinking” is the secret to achieving good results

AJ Please tell us your thoughts on receiving the award?
Thank you to ADA and the judges for your high regard for my work. I am very honored to have received the silver prize. I was really surprised when I heard from my friend Mr. Yi Ye that I was awarded the silver prize. At the same time, I was also happy to hear that my friend had achieved 8th place. This year my aquascape creation was affected by Covid-19 and my work schedule, and I was not able to perfect my aquascape as I had envisioned. However, I feel as if I should praise myself for overcoming various difficulties, completing the work and successfully participating in the contest. I believe that it was my love for ADA and my love for planted aquariums that sustained me. Once again, I would like to thank ADA and the judges. Finally, I hope that the pandemic will end soon. I hope you all achieve good results next year and I hope to see you in Nii-gata.

AJ Please tell us about the theme, motif, idea, etc. of this work.
This year’s work is called “Old Valley”. It represents a scene of water gently flowing in a large valley. The composition combines several triangular structures to represent the banks of a wide and powerful valley. In addition, a large amount of Hydrocotyle sp. were used to create the effect as if the cliffs were covered with vines. In addition, aquatic plants resembling wisteria were placed at the top of the valley to make the overall image wilder and more natural.
Visualizing the image in my mind by sketching.
AJ Please tell us about difficulties you encountered in creating and maintaining the work.
The structure of this work is made of driftwood, known as “shrimp wood” in China. The characteristics of this driftwood give the work a powerful impression of cliffs in the valley-like layout, but on the other hand, because of the large amount of wood used, the water in the aquarium suffered from yellowing in the early stages. To solve this problem, I had to change about half of the water in the aquarium every day for about two months.

AJ Please tell us the key points in selecting aquatic plant and fish species.
For the selection of aquatic plants, I chose aquatic plants that were consistent with the theme and closer to a natural landscape. For example, I chose Hydrocotyle sp. to recreate a scene where the cliffs are covered with vine plants. For fish, I selected small Hemigrammus bleheri to balance the layout and create a spectacular space. The overall impression of this work is dark, so I chose white Hemigrammus bleheri to emphasize the school of fish swimming together, and I tried to create as much color contrast as possible to create an eye-catching effect for the viewer.

AJ What is it about planted aquariums that appeal to you?
I think the greatest appeal of planted aquariums is to take your favorite natural scenery and recreate it in your aquarium.
The combination of multiple triangles created a powerful and natural feeling.
AJ Do you have any tips on how to win a prize in the contest?
There are three secrets, in my opinion. The first is “Diligence”, not skimping on the maintenance of your aquascape and making people happy with a beautiful aquascape. Second, “Inquisitiveness” to keep learning. Learn from your seniors and constantly explore the composition of the layout, placement of aquatic plants, and ingenuity. Finally, with “Positive Thinking”, enjoy life and love nature. I think those three points are the secret to winning a prize.

AJ Please tell us which ADA products you recommend and why.
Solar RGB. It keeps the aquatic plants in good condition. I also use Pro-Scissors because it is convenient and practical.

AJ What do you think about the IAPLC?
I think IAPLC is the Olympics of the planted aquarium industry. Thanks to ADA for creating it. Through the contest, planted aquarium enthusiasts were able to compete together, learn together, and grow together. Every year, we learn something new from the entries, but let’s further develop the IAPLC by incorporating innovation into our creations.