IAPLC 2022 TOP7 #02 「Zhemin Fan」

Editors of Aqua JournalEditors of Aqua Journal
Zhemin Fan / China
Age/ 53 years old
Occupation/ Manager at an electrical manufacturer
Aquarium Experience/ 13 years
Hobbies / Music, Chinese Cuisine
Past Achievements/
IAPLC2014 27th place
IAPLC2015 154th place
IAPLC2016 120th place
IAPLC2017 173rd place
IAPLC2021 40th place
World Ranking 2
Mountain Stream in the Forest
Aquarium Size W150×D60×H55(cm)

Planted aquariums heal people and calm us down.

AJ Please tell us your thoughts on receiving the award?
On the evening of August 27, I watched the streaming of the IAPLC result announcement. When I started watching it, the 100-40th place had already been announced, and several Chinese participants were in the TOP 100, but not my name. Then, my friend, who is also a member of CAA China Aquascape Association, was selected as 8th place. I was happy that he got a good result, but at the same time I was disappointed that my result was not good enough. Finally, the top 7 winners were announced. I was very happy and proud to see that three Chinese participants had won prizes: 6th, 4th, and 3rd place. When the second place Gold Prize winner was announced, I saw my work, “Mountain Stream in the Forest” on the screen. I had no idea that I had won second place. I was very happy at that moment, and I would like to thank the organizer and judges of the IAPLC for recognizing my work. I will do my best again next year.

AJ Please tell us about the theme, motif, idea, etc. of this work.
I created this composition after getting inspired by the scene where dead trees have fallen down, which can be seen in rivers flowing through forests. The triangular wooden frames created by combining driftwood pieces are alternately placed toward the back to create a three-dimensional effect. Also, by layering the composition in this way, depth is expressed as if guiding the viewer’s gaze from the foreground, to the middle ground, to the middle background, and to the background.
This mountain stream in the forest was the concept for this work.
The image of driftwood lying in a brook is incorporated into the layout production.
AJ Please tell us the key points in selecting aquatic plant and fish species.
Two types of moss are placed on the driftwood. Callicostella prabaktiana on the diagonal branches and Riccardia chamedryfolia on the driftwood in the middle foreground create a contrast between the two and make a strong impact. Rotala sp. mini and Myriophyllum, which are subtly colored, are planted to create a contrasting effect with the green color of the Riccardia chamedryfolia spreading on the driftwood in the mid-ground. In addition, Rotala rotundifolia ‘Green’, which absorbs excess nutrients and suppresses algae growth, was planted in large numbers in the background. The fish of choice were Paracheirodon axelrodi. It is easy to make these fish form a school when photographing. The fish also create a beautiful contrast with the green aquatic plants, giving the fish a colorful and dynamic appearance.

AJ What is it about planted aquariums that appeal to you?
The most attractive thing about planted aquariums is that it calms people’s minds. When you see aquatic plants in good condition, your worries and unhappy thoughts will be blown away.
Frequent maintenance is essential for the contest.
AJ If you belong to an aquarium club, please tell us about its activities.
I am a member of CAA Chinese Aquascape Association and every year I have discussions with my fellow members about planted aquariums, IAPLC, etc.
I regularly meet with my friends to discuss planted aquariums and other topics.
AJ Do you have any tips on how to win a prize in the contest?
If you have an image of your work, it would be better to draw it out on a drawing if possible. The drawing will make it easier to find flaws and determine the placement of aquatic plants. Although the preparatory work will take a lot of time, the implementation of the layout and the cultivation of the aquatic plants will be that much easier. It is possible to produce good results with little effort.