New Style Indoor Green – Style03

New Style Indoor Green – Style03

Editors of Aqua JournalEditors of Aqua Journal
Here we introduce some examples of tropical plant growing styles which utilise the Glass Case proposed by DOOA. For incorporating into your daily life.

It features araceous plants including Anubias, Bucephalandra and Piptospatha. They all grow near water naturally, therefore the combination fir together well, giving an impression of plants on a mossy fallen tree near a clear stream.

CASE:DOOA Neo Glass Air W200×D200×H350
PLANT:Anubias barteri var. nana ‘Golden’, Anubias barteri var. nana ‘Coin Leaf’, Anubias barteri var.nana ‘Jade’,  Bucephalandra sp. ‘Browny Purple’, Piptospatha ridleyi, Vesicularia sp. ‘Nanbeimoss’, Vesicularia montagnei
TERRA BASE:DOOA Terra Base 230
FILTRATION SYSTEM:DOOA Stream Pump Mini, DOOA Terra Base Flow Pipe 230
Plants like fern and Selaginella go well together with Terra Base. In this case, it mainly features Davallia tricomanoides with red leaves of Selaginella adding spice.

CASE:DOOA Neo Glass Air W200×D200×H350
PLANT:Selaginella erythropus, Microgramma vacciniifolia, Davallia tricomanoides, Vesicularia sp. ‘Nanbeimoss’
TERRA BASE:DOOA Terra Base 230
FILTRATION SYSTEM:DOOA Stream Pump Mini, DOOA Terra Base Flow Pipe 230
Bcephalandra usually grows on rocks in clear water, which is suitable to appreciate in Terra Base. Terra Base 160 should be big enough for smaller kinds. Take your time, and they’ll keep your paludarium busy.

CASE:DOOA Neo Glass Air W200×D200×H300
PLANT:Bcephalandra sp. ‘Sintang’, Bcephalandra sp. ‘Browny Purple’, Bcephalandra sp. ‘Kualakuayan’, Vesicularia sp. ‘Nanbeimoss’, Vesicularia montagnei
TERRA BASE:DOOA Terra Base 160
FILTRATION SYSTEM:DOOA Stream Pump Mini, DOOA Terra Base Flow Pipe 160