LAYOUT 2024.09.27
MINI NA_03 Choosing a small but authentic aquarium system
Experiencers would understand: to grow plants and maintain them in a small aquarium are not easy. The new Mini NA Set 150 is based on ADA’s traditional Nature Aquarium system, but an extremely compact aquarium with under 5L of water quantity. The water circulates without a filtration tank, and fully depends on purifying power of microorganism and plants. It looks simple and small, but you gotta know it’s not an easy one to take care of. The system includes a signature Bell Glass Mini for CO2. Continuously supplied from CO2 System 74-DA, CO2 in Bell Glass reaches the water and dissolves slowly. Because of that, the diffusion efficiency gets better when the water flow touches the circuit of Bell Glass. You might be wondering about the amount to add. Averagely, it should be around 1 bubble every 3 seconds. Pay attention if bigger bubbles appear on the surface frequently from the stock part of Bell Glass, which means you’re adding too much and wasting CO2. Now, let’s take a look at Mini NA Set. Set with a stainless Metal Cover and Base and its own CO2 system, it is small in size but has a big amount of presence in your living room or office area. That’s why we recommend you to perfect a great aquascape and put is as a superior piece of aqua interior. Your family might love it, too.

Photo taken on: March 8, 2024
Aquarium: Cube Garden W150×D150×H220 (mm)
Lighting: Magnet Light G Slim (8.5 hours per day)
Filtration: Stream Pump Mini
Material: Horn Wood
Substrate: Aqua Soil – Amazonia Ver.2, Bactor 100, Clear Super, Tourmaline BC
CO2: CO2 System 74-DA, 3 bubbles per second via Bell Glass Mini using Tower
Additives: Brigty K, Green Brighty Mineral, Green Brighty Iron, Green Brighty Nitrogen
Water change: 1/2 once a week
Water quality: Temperature 25℃, pH:6.2, TH:50mg/L
Others: Metal Cover Mini, Metal Base Mini
Photo taken on: March 8, 2024
Aquarium: Cube Garden W150×D150×H220 (mm)
Lighting: Magnet Light G Slim (8.5 hours per day)
Filtration: Stream Pump Mini
Material: Horn Wood
Substrate: Aqua Soil – Amazonia Ver.2, Bactor 100, Clear Super, Tourmaline BC
CO2: CO2 System 74-DA, 3 bubbles per second via Bell Glass Mini using Tower
Additives: Brigty K, Green Brighty Mineral, Green Brighty Iron, Green Brighty Nitrogen
Water change: 1/2 once a week
Water quality: Temperature 25℃, pH:6.2, TH:50mg/L
Others: Metal Cover Mini, Metal Base Mini

❶ Ludwigia ‘Super Red’ (BIO) ❷Myriophyllum sp. (BIO) ❸ Hemianthus micran-themoides (BIO)❹Anubias barteri var. nana ‘Petit’ (BIO) ❺ Rotala rotundifolia (BIO) ❻Echinodorus tenellus ‘Broad leaf’ (BIO) ❼Cryptocoryne parva and others
Living subject
Caridina multidentata
❶ Ludwigia ‘Super Red’ (BIO) ❷Myriophyllum sp. (BIO) ❸ Hemianthus micran-themoides (BIO)❹Anubias barteri var. nana ‘Petit’ (BIO) ❺ Rotala rotundifolia (BIO) ❻Echinodorus tenellus ‘Broad leaf’ (BIO) ❼Cryptocoryne parva and others
Living subject
Caridina multidentata