MINI NA_02 Born from clear water currents, the beauty of aquatic plants

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The tank introduced here measures W300×D300×H300 (mm); a popular small-sized aquarium size commonly known as the 30-cube. Despite this seemingly small size, it holds over 25 liters of water, so, considering future maintenance, choosing a filtration system with excellent filtering capacity is a wise decision. Here, we use the Super Jet Filter ES-150 Ver.2. The ES-150 Ver.2 has a flow rate of 3.5 liters per minute and can hold 1.5 liters of filter media, demonstrating high filtration capacity suitable for the 30-cube. Regarding water outflow, there are several options depending on the desired strength of the water flow. In this aquascape, we use the Lily Pipe Spin P-1, which produces a gentle water flow softened by its unique loop-shaped outflow. The gentle water flow produced by such a filtration system creates a scene where Potamogeton perfoliatus sway, offering a view unique to aquatic plants that reaffirms the beauty of Japanese native aquatic plants. The leaves, with their undulating edges and a sense of transparency, appear as if they were born from pristine water currents.  Potamogeton perfoliatus exudes a simple and welcoming charm. In contrast, the choice of Tucanoichthys tucano might be considered somewhat extravagant, yet for an aquarium system emphasizing luxury, it could also satisfy the desire for a prestigious fish species.
Photo taken on: March 29, 2024
Aquarium: Cube Garden W300×D300×H300(mm)
Lighting: Sol Stand RGB (8.5 hours per day)
Filtration: Super Jet Filter ES-150 Ver.2 (Bio Rio G)
Material: Unzan Stone SS/XXS, Aqua Gravel、KUMU SA-07
Substrate: Aqua Soil – Amazonia Ver.2, Power Sand Advance M, Bacter 100, Clear Super, Tourmaline BC
CO2: Pollen Glass TYPE3, 1 bubble per second via CO2 Glass Counter
Aeration: 15.5 hours after the light is turned off using Lily Pipe Spin P-1
Additives: Brighty K, Green Brighty Mineral, Green Brighty Iron, Green Brighty Nitrogen
Water change: 1/3 once a week
Water quality: Temperature 25°C, pH: 6.2, TH: 50 mg/L
The loop-shaped water outlet mitigates the water flow without compromising its high filtration capacity.
Blyxa novoguineensisEleocharis acicularisPotamogeton perfoliatusHelanthium tenellum ‘Madeira’ ❺Fissidens fontanusTaxiphyllum barbieri

Tucanoichthys tucano/Crossocheilus oblongus/Otocinclus sp. /Caridina multidentata