Ryuji OgawaRyuji Ogawa
ADA develops various lineups of the NA, DOOA, and living products. In this section, we will share the writer’s favorite GOODS beyond the boundaries of each genre.
Viscosity and Fixing Power
Dark green things that thrive near dense undergrowth and between the glass surface and the substrate where fresh water is difficult to pass through, are a problem, aren’t they? This product is a highly effective additive against algae. The main active ingredient is a bactericidal botanical extract, so unlike chemicals, it has little adverse effect on organisms and is safe to use. The thick viscosity of the additive makes it possible to add it to targeted areas, and the natural bactericidal power of the product allows us to precisely remove algae. Unlike some liquid treatments that kill all microorganisms with their high bactericidal properties, this is a well-thought-out product that minimizes bactericidal side effects, thanks to its pinpoint addition when considering the entire aquarium environment, including the filter. As a bacteria lover, it is a very impressive and practical product! Although it is an artificial treatment to get rid of certain organisms due to maintenance needs, it is important in Nature Aquariums to maintain and adjust the ecosystem in the aquarium with the power of nature, and I love “Phyton-Git Sol” as an additive solution that is very useful in many situations where I tend to increase the volume of undergrowth.