Ryuji OgawaRyuji Ogawa
ADA develops various lineups of NA, DOOA, and living products. In this section, we will share the writer’s favorite GOODS beyond boundaries of each genre.
Optimal Solution for Bent Glass
ADA’s glass pipes, such as Lily Pipe, are handmade by craftsmen. These beautiful glass artifacts can get covered with algae and other contaminants. The Spring Washer is a cleaning product that can handle bending parts made by artisanal craftsmanship. What is surprising when you take it out of the package is its suppleness. As the name suggests, it has elasticity as a spring, so when you put it through a pipe, it maintains the proper stiffness, making it easy to operate the brush in the head section, and its flexibility allows you to use it without damaging the glass pipe. The flexible wire is designed to have a fine coiled structure so that it does not get bent even after repeated use, and it can be used for a long time just like glass pipes. The smallest brush necessary for the pipe diameter will thoroughly clean the inside of the pipe. I love Spring Washer because it is the best cleaning product to keep ADA’s handmade bent glass products beautiful.