EVENT 2024.07.25
On July 19th, ADA SUIKEI Creator Daichi Araki had his third overseas workshop since last year, this time in San Francisco, USA. The venue was the Academy of Science in Golden Gate Park, near San Francisco’s well-known landmark the Golden Gate Bridge.

The sprawling Golden Gate Park brims with nature and is one of the largest parks in the United States, boasting many facilities including museums and botanical gardens- a fitting location for an ADA workshop event. The venue could only seat around seventy people but overflowed with the excitement of those passionate ADA fans, including lifetime subscribers to Aqua Journal, who had snapped up all the pre-sale tickets.

Araki proceeded to create a W900 Nature Aquarium inspired by the natural habitats of Lagenandra and Cryptocoryne he saw during his visit to India in February. With a Sansui Stone arrangement and details created using multiple items from the new KUMU series, his impression of Nature took form. A great cheer rose up when, shining its light on his work, he introduced the prototype Solar RGB2.

The following day, the completed aquascape was displayed at Aqua Forest Aquarium, a shop of ADA distributor in USA, just a ten minute drive away, which became a place of interaction and communal enjoyment for ADA fans. The aquascape will be managed by the staff there and on display for the foreseeable future, so if you’re going to San Francisco, be sure to… stop by Aqua Forest Aquarium!