CREATOR WORKS [ A Valley in Green Fog ]

Editors of Aqua JournalEditors of Aqua Journal
Planted on the cork brush with Sansui Stone fixed on the wall, Begonia sp.Venezuela leaves a deep impression in this work. Cork brush usually tends to be a cause of mold, but wrapping moss or plants around prevents it drastically. In this case, Dicranum scoparium, Hypnum plumaeforme Wilson, Thuidium sp., Leucobryum and Riccardia chamedryfolia are wrapped with DOOA Terra Line and arranged randomly to deliver the naturalness. Orange Hazel Gravel (KUMU) in the front complements the deep green moss.
Photo taken on: June 21, 2024
Creator: Yusuke Homma (ADA SUIKEI CREATOR)
Aquarium: System Paluda 600
Lighting: Paluda Light 600 (8 hours per day)
Substrate: Jungle Soil, Jungle Base, Hazel Gravel (KUMU)
Water supply: Once every 2-3 weeks via Mist Flow Box
Drainage: High absorbent sponge (once a week)
Humidity control: 20 minutes per hour with Mist Flow and 5 minutes per hour with Circulation Fan 40
Time control: Power Code S-70
1 Ctenitis iriomotensis
2 Pilea involucrata
3 Homalomena humilis
4 Begonia sp. Venezuela
5 Columnea bilabiata