The World’s Largest Project of Nature Aquarium
Left for Lisbon, Portugal!

* 40m Aquarium: Image only. The actual aquascape will be different. 

The world’s largest project of the 40m Nature Aquarium in history started with the request from Oceanário de Lisboa, as you might have seen some updates in Aqua Journal in the last couple of months. In the early morning of January 27, Takashi Amano and some selected ADA staff have finally left for Lisbon, Portugal! Some Japanese media also talk about this news.
受葡萄牙的里斯本水族馆的邀请而开始的,世界上最大的,鱼缸长度40米的自然水景造景工程。可以被称之为前无古人的这一巨大工程的经过,在Aqua Journal杂志中也被登载。终于在1月27日清早,由天野 尚和其率领的精锐团队已经向葡萄牙里斯本出发了!这个新闻也同时被日本的媒体进行报道。

How will Amano create the world of aquascape in this massive aquarium? Don’t miss out.

*The grand opening of the exhibition of 40m aquarium is schedule in the end of April, 2015.

Niigata Nippo: Morning edition on Jan. 27.